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Space Coast Writers Guild

Launching writers to new heights


Welcome to the Space Coast Writers Guild, Inc. We are dedicated to encouraging, instructing, and developing writers of all genres. If this is your first visit, please take a moment to explore all we have to offer.

 SCWG YouTube Channel

On July 20, 2024 SCWG member Don Wynn, who also is a member of the Brevard Association for the Advancement of the Blind, gave a compelling presentation on BAAB and what they do. The presentation includes a riveting talk by Jennifer Cleveland, a client and now spokesperson for BAAB, on how they helped bring her back from the brink of despair. You can watch this presentation by clicking the button below.

Space Coast Writers Guild



The Guild meets on the third Saturday of each month at 1 PM. at the Eau Gallie Public Library, 1521 Pineapple Ave., Melbourne, Florida 32935.

Meetings begin with a brief business segment, including announcements, welcome of new members, introduction of the board members, and treasurer’s report. A presentation of some aspect of writing, by a guest speaker, follows.

Our Next Meeting: October 19, 2024
Eau Gallie Public Library


Fellow Guild member, Chris Robinson, writer and producer of audio drama podcasts, will guide you through the unique and exciting process of transforming a written book into an immersive audio drama. Reminiscent of the Golden Age of radio, audio dramas are quite distinctive from audiobooks. She will talk about the components of writing and producing audio from scratch and how to do it within a budget, covering these topics:

  • Does my story translate to voice? Some things to consider before you record.
  • How to get started: All you need is a microphone, a script, free recording software, and a padded room.
  • What are the costs? Where to get free apps for recording, sound effects, and website production.
  • Writing for, finding, and working with voice actors.
  • How to publish your audio drama on multiple platforms such as iTunes, YouTube, Audible, and others.

Throughout, Chris will share insights on adjusting your writing to suit an audio format, and provide tips for managing the production process from start to finish. This presentation is ideal for writers who want to expand the reach of their stories and engage audiences in a new way through the world of audio storytelling. It will also provide fresh new perspectives on editing prose from the reader’s point of view.

Image by Nanne Tiggelman from Pixabay

Space Coast Writers Guild

Upcoming Events

October 19: Chris Robinson, audio dramatist.

October 19 & 20: Cocoa Village Fine Art & Craft Fair.

November 16:Memoirists Panel Discussion, with Guild members Betty Jackson, Gwynne Eldridge, Linda Jump.

December 7 & 8: Cocoa Village Art & Craft Holiday Bazaar.

December 21: Yet another Q&A Roundtable. These always prove to be thought-provoking!

Stay tuned for an inspiring lineup of speakers and presentations coming your way in 2025.


Join the Guild

Annual dues are $40. Monthly meetings are held the 3rd Saturday of each month at 1 PM at the

Eau Gallie Public Library, 1521 Pineapple Avenue, Melbourne, Florida.

Cynthia Hall President of the Space Coast Writers Guild

President’s Corner

Cynthia Hall

Hello Members!

It’s been a long, hot summer, hasn’t it!

Many of us have taken advantage of the languid days by spending some quiet time indoors or vacationing up north and abroad. But some of us have worked hot-and-heavy on the author circuit with book launches (TJ Puritz) and poetry readings (Peggy Insula).

True to my Gemini core, I engaged in both activities!

A much-needed respite came in early September, wherein sixteen family members enjoyed an 8-day cruise. And, though I entertained myself with a myriad of shows and foodie experiences, there were also restful hours spent in the spa. Those quiet, serene moments were a balm to my overactive brain.

Upon my return, I hit the ground running with a live reading at the C.A.P.E. Open Mic Poetry Night. And, after countless hours of editing for most of this year, and massive graphic design work—I was finally…FINALLY able to hit that publish button once and for all! So, with peacock pride, I can announce that I am now a published author!

Go Me! Go Me!

All fun aside, as many of you know, this is a huge milestone, a two-year endeavor now complete. I took a day or so to fully sit with the accomplishment, thanks to the not-so-gentle prodding of our Guild Secretary, Gwynne Eldridge. But, now the marketing phase begins, which is yet another daunting task staring me in the face.

Truth be told, marketing should have started 90 days ago, a topic we will examine in 2025 wherein one of our speakers will discuss the particulars of the perfect Book Launch, but other than talking to a few family and friends, no one really knows The Happy Muse: How to Combat Creative Blocks and Tap Into a Limitless Supply of Artistic Inspiration is out there, just begging to be purchased; begging, I tell you!

With that in mind, I want to share a personal story that reminded me how far simple acts of support can go—not only for boosting sales—but, more importantly, in lifting our spirits as writers.

Within 24 hours of publishing The Happy Muse, I was happy to see a sale come through, but I was 100% sure it was my husband who purchased the book to support me, which, of course, meant a lot. And although it felt pretty damn good to see that sale on my dashboard, I wasn’t so balled over…until later.

Wagging my finger at him, I exclaimed, “You bought my book, didn’t you!” He snickered and smiled but shook his head, “No, I didn’t.”

Obviously, I didn’t believe him, but he continued to explain that he forwarded the Amazon link to someone in his Human Resources department—a person in charge of their company Resource Library who brings inspiring material to their workforce of 4,000. And guess what? She bought bought it! Are you kidding me!

Naturally, I’m nervous, but I’m also filled with gratitude and hope. I’ve also had time to reflect on what it means to truly support one another in the writing community.

The experience made me realize that support from those around us—whether family, friends, or colleagues—extends far beyond financial contributions. It’s about sharing each other’s work, recommending it to new audiences, and genuinely believing in the creative potential we all carry. When we support each other, we aren’t just selling books; we’re building confidence, validating hard work, and encouraging creativity to flourish.

As we look ahead, I want to remind you how important it is to support one another. When you do so, you are furthering the sustainability of the creativity and passion that drives us all. And in turn, those seemingly small acts of support may be the very thing that inspires someone to keep writing, even when self-doubt creeps in.

Here are five actionable steps on how to best support fellow authors and the local writing community:

  • Purchase and Review Their Work: Buy books by local authors or fellow Guild members, and leave thoughtful reviews on platforms like Amazon, Goodreads, or personal blogs. Reviews help authors gain visibility and credibility with new readers.
  • Share Their Work with Your Network: Spread the word about local authors by sharing links to their books on social media, forwarding their information to friends or coworkers, and recommending their work to book clubs or community groups.
  • Attend and Promote Their Events: Show up for fellow authors by attending their book signings, readings, and workshops. Engage with their presentations and share event details with your network to increase turnout and community awareness.
  • Collaborate and Offer Feedback: Join or start critique groups to offer constructive feedback on works-in-progress. A supportive critique can help authors improve their writing and gain confidence in their work.
  • Support Local Bookstores and Literary Festivals: Encourage local bookstores to stock books by local authors or suggest that they host local author events. Participating in and promoting local book fairs and literary festivals can further boost the profile of local writers.

Thank you, Members, for being part of such a wonderful community that lifts each other up.

Happy Writing!

Cynthia M. Hall
President, Space Coast Writers Guild
Launching Writers to New Heights

The Space Coast Writers Guild, Inc. (SCWG) is a nonprofit, tax-exempt, 501(c)(3) organization located in Brevard County, Florida since 1982. Annual dues are $40. Monthly meetings are held the third Saturday of each month at 1 PM at the Eau Gallie Public Library, 1521 Pineapple Avenue, Melbourne, Florida
Space Coast Writers Guild
P.O. Box 262
Melbourne, FL 32902-0262

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