Ocean beach with text

Space Coast Writers Guild

Launching writers to new heights


Welcome to the Space Coast Writers Guild, Inc. We are dedicated to encouraging, instructing, and developing writers of all genres. If this is your first visit, please take a moment to explore all we have to offer.

Important Notice!

Our meeting time has changed for this year. The Eau Gallie Library has assigned us 11 AM to 2 PM. The Board of Directors meeting is 11 AM to 12 Noon; the business meeting is from 12 Noon until 2 PM. Please keep this in mind and update your calendars. We will still be gathering in the same meeting room; we’re just meeting one hour earlier.


The SCWG Table Space Crew

Once upon a time, it was a simple thing for the Guild to obtain a spot at the Cocoa Village Art and Craft Fairs. Delightfully, our guild has grown and now has more authors who are marketing their books. And, more importantly, need opportunities to SELL THEIR BOOKS!

Therefore, SCWG has formed a new committee, the Table Space Crew. With Billie Jean Glenn at the helm, the Crew will act as a liaison between the Guild and the Cocoa Village Art and Craft Fair. Since SCWG is a nonprofit, Cocoa Village provides us with one space at no charge. However, there is a requirement for the Guild to volunteer 6 hours of time annually to Cocoa Village events.

The Crew has developed a form for prospective authors to reserve time at the SCWG booth.

You can download the form here, or by clicking on the image to the right.

Download the Cocoa Village guidelines.

NOTE:  Please heed the deadlines on the application. Dates and times will be recorded on submissions, as applicants will be chosen on a first-come, first-served basis, with one exception: last year’s waiting list will have priority for the March event only.

Email your application ASAP to the Table Space Crew committee chair, Billie Jean Glenn. Click HERE.

Space Coast Writers Guild

2025 Logo Contest

Here is your chance to leave a lasting mark on your Space Coast Writers Guild! Announcing the 2025 Logo Contest! As we update our branding for 2025 and onward into the future, we are looking for a fresh, dynamic logo that represents the creativity and spirit of the Space Coast Writers Guild. The winning logo will appear everywhere—social media, marketing materials, and Guild “merch.”

Not only will your work be memorialized for all time, but you’ll also receive a $50 gift card. Get out those pens and paper, or fire up your favorite graphics app and let’s get creative!

To see all the details, click the image to the left, or click here. Deadline is January 31, 2025, at 11:59 PM.

We are sad to announce that one of our members, Margaret Livermore, recently passed away. Joanne and I knew Margaret well. Margaret was a vibrant and active member of the Guild, and she was always pleasant to be around. She always wore a smile, and was very uplifting and positive. We remember her being at the Cocoa Village events with the Indian River Lagoon books! Margaret loved the Lagoon! May she rest in peace! You can read her obituary here.

 SCWG YouTube Channel

On January 18, 2025 SCWG Lifetime Member Gene Luke Vlahovic gave a fact-filled presentation on Scammers: The Warning Signs for Writers. You can watch this presentation by clicking the button below.

Space Coast Writers Guild



Until further notice, the Guild meets on the third Saturday of each month from 12:00 PM until 2 PM at the Eau Gallie Public Library, 1521 Pineapple Ave., Melbourne, Florida 32935.

Meetings begin with a brief business segment, including announcements, welcome of new members, introduction of the board members, and treasurer’s report, followed by a guest speaker presentation.

Our Next Meeting:
Location and Time To Be Announced
February 15, 2025


Sondee Lima presents The Seven Psychological Triggers that Engage Your Audience, Foster Loyalty, and Boost Sales.

Ms. Lima has a real passion for both business and teaching others. She feeds these passions as a weVENTURE WBC business coach, communications coach, and online course creator. Not only does she support her clients as they launch and grow their own successful businesses, but she also teaches professionals to communicate more effectively in their writing and their public speaking.

In her presentation, Ms. Lima will help you discover the secrets to connecting with your audience on a deeper level. You’ll explore the subtle yet powerful factors influencing how readers, clients, and customers engage with your work, offering practical insights to apply to your writing, marketing, and branding efforts. Learn how to build meaningful loyalty and spark interest by tapping into psychological motivators, turning casual connections into long-lasting relationships.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Image by Nanne Tiggelman from Pixabay

Space Coast Writers Guild

Upcoming Events

February 4: Speaker Series at Field Manor on Merritt Island. Featured speaker Thomas Belisle.

February 15: Sondee Lima presents The Seven Psychological Triggers that Engage Your Audience, Foster Loyalty, and Boost Sales.

March 4: Speaker Series at Field Manor on Merritt Island. Featured speaker Jessica Broyles

March 15: NY Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal bestselling author Rachel Hauck.

April 1: Speaker Series at Field Manor on Merritt Island. Featured speaker Sarah Younger.

April 19: Ginny Myers Sain, traditionally published YA writer presents A Peek Behind the PagesThe Truth About How Traditional Publishing Works (and Doesn’t!).

April 22: Speaker Series at Field Manor on Merritt Island. Featured speaker Jeanne Burth.

May 6: Speaker Series at Field Manor on Merritt Island. Featured speaker Cynthia Hall.

May 17: Chris Robinson presents Turning Your Book Into an Audio Drama.

June 21: Mary Brotherton presents AI for Serious Writers: Friend or Foe?

July 19: Bestselling Author of the Jason Bourne series, Brian Freeman.

August 16: Traditionally published Young Adult author Anne Myers.

September 20: Illustrator and author Andrea Tripke.

October 18: Author and literary podcaster, Brad Haizlip,

November 15: Ginny Myers Sain returns.

December 20: Our yearly Holiday meeting and Q&A Session,

Join the Guild

Annual dues are $40. Monthly meetings are held the 3rd Saturday of each month at 1 PM at the

Eau Gallie Public Library, 1521 Pineapple Avenue, Melbourne, Florida.

Cynthia Hall President of the Space Coast Writers Guild

President’s Corner

Cynthia Hall

Hello Members!

In a blink, we have found ourselves nearing the end of the year. Entering this season of gratitude, I’ve stolen a few precious moments of reflection, ruminating upon the unique gifts that we, as creatives, bring to the world.

Perhaps one of the greatest gifts we share is our ability to see things differently—to observe, interpret, and express the world in ways that others might overlook. It’s a powerful trait, a vitality quietly woven into the fabric of who we are as writers, shaping much of how we experience and influence the world.

Our creative vision allows us to find beauty and meaning in the unexpected…in the ‘ugly.’ Where others may see the ordinary or unsavory, we notice the subtle play of shadows, the quiet exchange between strangers, the textured light on a weathered surface. We see beyond and, with our words, go beyond.

We continually capture the depth of these seemingly small details, bringing life to our words and allowing readers to see their world anew. This gift—illustrating perspective through language—is something to celebrate and, above all, a treasure entreating our appreciation because it distinguishes and defines our voices and allows our stories to resonate across realms.

As writers, our work enriches not only our lives but also the lives of those who encounter our work. By expressing emotions with nuance and care, we invite readers to connect, explore, and gain insight into experiences beyond their own.

Embracing gratitude for your creative vision is an indispensable component of your craft and a powerful way to honor the rare gem that you are.

I also present a gift because—although we love to write and write to love—the process can get sticky and is oftentimes rote. To help you through those bumps in the road, I offer you 20 Tips, Tricks, and Points to Ponder to help you cultivate or invigorate your processes.

These tricks are not of my design, but I did not include their originations, so you can search them out yourself. You’ll never know what other treasures await along the path of discovery.

  1. Never throw out any of your writing, not even the little paragraph. Save it for later. You never know what ideas it could spark.
  2. Write a scene that takes place immediately after a tragedy—don’t mention the tragedy.
  3. A short story must have a single mood and every sentence must build toward/around it.
  4. If you’re struggling with writing a character, write 20 things the reader will never know about this character. These will naturally bleed into your writing and provide richness even if you don’t inherently share these details.
  5. Treat all your secondary characters like they think the book’s about them.
  6. Write a story that starts with a word you pick out of a dictionary or thesaurus at random.
  7. Start with a question you don’t necessarily have the answer to and then write until you answer it.
  8. In the spirit of Wicked, write a retelling of a fairy tale with a different ending, or with flipped genders.
  9. Write a story of a magical creature missing its species’ key feature, ie: a siren without her voice, a unicorn without his horn, a dragon without her fire.
  10. Dedicate your next book to “everyone who wonders if I’m writing about them. I am.”
  11. Write 20 sentences that start with the word green, then see what happens. (Use any color)
  12. What false beliefs does your antagonist or protagonist continue to operate from?
  13. Write a story around this premise: As my story came to a close, I realized I was the villain all along.
  14. What resolution did your character vow to make in your story? Don’t reveal that fact to your audience.
  15. A villain is just a victim whose story hasn’t been told.
  16. Remember this easy premise: somebody gets into trouble and then gets out of it. People love that story. They never get tired of it.
  17. Lie. Put down on paper the most interesting lies you can imagine, then make them plausible.
  18. The simpler you say it, the more eloquent it is.
  19. The two most engaging powers of an author are to make new things familiar, and familiar things new.
  20. Good dialogue illuminates what people are not saying.

Happy Writing!

Cynthia M. Hall
President, Space Coast Writers Guild
Launching Writers to New Heights

The Space Coast Writers Guild, Inc. (SCWG) is a nonprofit, tax-exempt, 501(c)(3) organization located in Brevard County, Florida since 1982. Annual dues are $40. Monthly meetings are held the third Saturday of each month at 1 PM at the Eau Gallie Public Library, 1521 Pineapple Avenue, Melbourne, Florida
Space Coast Writers Guild
P.O. Box 262
Melbourne, FL 32902-0262

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Copyright © 2019-2023 Space Coast Writers Guild, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
Dan Fisher, AI4GK, Webmaster
Web Development www.MacRed-Designs.com